February 3, 2025

Tools, Tips and Terms for Generating Fabulous SketchUp Renderings

Quality renderings make a big impact when presenting your designs. Sketchuprendering.com is devoted to helping you create better renderings using SketchUp rendering extensions. You will find great information on the best rendering extensions available, along with tips, reviews, news and renderings submitted by people like you.

SketchUp Rendering Plug-in free trials
Save Now – Cyber Week SketchUp Extension Deals

Best SketchUp Renderers

There are many SketchUp rendering extensions to choose from.  We feature some of the best renderers available to help you narrow your search, but you be the judge! Free trials are available from their websites for you to download and try so you can find the perfect program that meets your needs.

IRender nXt         ArielVision

ShaderLight          Maxwell

V-ray                        Thea

Su Podium

More Rendering Extensions

Rendering Tips

These tips will help you build better models, improve renderings, and save time!

Free HDRi backgrounds: Do you use HDRi backgrounds in your renderings? www.HDRiHaven.com provides access to their growing library of unclipped images, at no charge!  HDRi Haven supports creation of their images through the generosity of users who donate through Patreon.  It’s not required, but if you find the service useful you should consider contributing.  Check them out at www.HDRiHaven.com

Learn some basics about rendering in SketchUp!

Sample models and SketchUp renderings!

More Tips


Rendering News & Articles

Cyber Week – Save now on SketchUp Pro and Extensions: Save from 20%-50% on SketchUp Extensions. Read the article.

More News & Articles

Rendering  Terms

Rendering has its own unique language, so if you need a quick reference at any point we’ve got the most common definitions for you here.

Depth Blur: With Depth Blur, you can define an area of focus, making objects in front, behind, or both in front and behind that area appear blurred/fuzzy. Depth Blur can be applied post rendering in an image editor rather than having to test settings during the rendering process which could result in you having to make adjustments and re-render. Depth Blur can be adjusted to control the amount of Blur applied, the distance to the objects in focus, and whether to apply it to foreground, background, or both.

More Rendering Terms



Color Rendering: A Guide for Interior Designers and Architects


Architectural Sketching and Rendering: Techniques for Designers and Artists


Marker Magic: The Rendering Problem Solver for Designers


    What rendering software do you use?