Raylectron has the ability to easily render 3D models made in Google SketchUp into a photo-realistic image.
Simply select a material and apply some effects to it, or make it a light. It’s that simple! A wiremesh preview before rendering. Here, you can set how to illuminate your model, lights, sun, sky, ambient, environment map etc. You can rotate and zoom. Ability to stop the render, save it, reopen it later and resume the render. No need to remove walls to see the interior render, simply use the X-Ray vision. While the render is going, you can view the progress, and, you only need to stop it whenever the quality is to your satisfaction.
“Raylectron does not need any editing by other graphic software (such as Photoshop) to produce photorealistic renders”
Any materials can produce different effects, such as reflection (like mirror), refraction (like glass), transparency, glossiness, shininess, bump maps, normal maps and background images. Shadows are not fake or simulated like “Soft shadows”. Caustics are also real, not fake or simulated. Raylectron utilize all the CPU cores and threads (user selectable) to render as fast as possible. It can also use slaves by installing Raylectron on remote computers (slave) further increasing the rendering speed.
- Ability to stop the render, save it, reopen it later and resume the render.
- Rotate, pan, zoom, modify the materials and lights right from the Raylectron viewer.
- Support HDR maps and can save the rendered image as an HDR, it can also save in jpg, png and many other formats.
- All rendering processes happen outside of Sketchup in order to allow continuous work on the model being rendered
- No need to remove walls to see the interior render, simply use the X-Ray vision.
- Render Stereo Vision (also called stereopsis or 3-D imaging) and Render OBJ files
- SketchUp Model view tab
- Transparency feature
- + more…
Website: http://raylectron.com/
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